Theresa Rambaran
Dr Theresa Rambaran is currently a Postdoctoral fellow at Umeå University in Sweden. Her research interests involve the formulation of biologically active supplements to counter obesity, diabetes and other cardiometabolic diseases using clinical trials through a healthy ageing initiative. In 2010 she received awards from the National Agricultural Marketing & Development Corporation, National Flour Mills and Universal Foods Limited, for her academic performance in Food Chemistry and Food Engineering courses. She was a nominee for the Jamaica Prime Minister’s Youth Award for academic excellence in 2011 and in 2012 she received the Caribbean-Pacific Island Mobility Scheme (CARPIMS) Scholarship, funded by the European Union. This enabled her to conduct aspects of her PhD research at the Centre for Drug Discovery at The University of the South Pacific in Fiji where she was one of the first Jamaican to enrol. Dr Rambaran was one of the PhD candidates selected from commonwealth nations by the Royal Society to attend the Commonwealth Science Conference in India in 2014. She was also awarded the prestigious Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Seal of Excellence by the European Commission in 2018 and was the Kempe Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship recipient in 2019. She currently has over 10 peer-reviewed scientific articles. While her passion lies in the sciences, Dr Rambaran has also ventured into business and launched a manufacturing company, EZ Eats, in 2017.
President of ACLaS